showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ankh2  author? labelminimizeminimize
Gadgetz ?? labelminimizeminimize
Rocky's Boots  The Learning Company1982Use logic circuts to sort objects.

Originally intended to be a sequel to [game=#80504]Adventure[/game], it uses the same game engine, though slightly updated. The original design had Rocky programming robots to battle monsters and other robots, but the game evolved into its final puzzle solving form.
Super Quest  Softside1982[WIP]
MSRP: $3

This game is massive by any standards at 1024 total locations. That is 4 times larger than the overworld and dungeons of The Legend of Zelda. Everything is in real-time and offers no other respite than a few sparely place shops. Shops are also the only place games can be saved. Strength is the only stat. It is increased in small random increments only by drinking strength potions bought from shops. Currency does not come from killing monsters but only from rare chests dispersed throughout the labrynth. Killing monsters gains XP which mainly counts as a high score (since winning the game is unlikley). Most screens have monsters that will be there every time you arrive no matter if you have defeated them previously. There are also random monster encounters that happen everywhere except shops, there is no pause to escape them or leave time to make your own map.

In a future on Earth with too much magic and too much technology, a one-of-a-king technomagical artifact was created to keep balance between the two. Being more powerful than it was intended, it stifled all change for either. A powerful king decided to used technology to hide and negate the effects of the artifact. With the artifact sealed away in a labyrinth of traps and unnatural guard creatures magic began overwhelming technology. 200 years later, a hero is chosen to brave the labyrinth and recover the artifact.

Entering initials is explained in-game. Heroes are sponsored by nobles so when the hero is asked who their sponsor is, it's the player.
Minit Man Penguin Software1983The goal is to launch 3 ICBMs. The game includes a canyon to be bridged in the first screen, a launch site and multistory building in on the middle screen, and a stack of bridge segments on the third screen where is also the other half of the multistory building.

In all phases, enemies will land and attempt to enter the building at the launch site to attempt sabotage. Once they have entered the building, the player may shoot them from the helicopter by pixel precision firing through windows. OR by landing and following them into the building to shoot them with their side arm. A dying saboteur will leave a deadly trap in the place they fall as an obstacle to the player.

The 3 ICBMs arrive one at a time by train. The train must have a bridge to cross a canyon. The player must build this bridge by carrying and placing segments [i]with pixel precision[/i] one at a time using a helicopter. The number of bridge segments is limited. Anti-aircraft guns and flying enemies will shoot at the player on all three screens. Get shot once, loose a life, and [i]a bridge segment[/i] if one is being carried at the time. Flying enemies can kamikaze attack the player and [i]a bridge segment[/i] on any screen. Even after a bridge segment is placed, it can be destroyed.

When the bridge is complete, a train hauling a ICBM will proceed without delay accosts the bridge and into an underground tunnel in the middle screen. Here the train will stop to load the ICBM. After loading the ICBM, the train, having done its job, will proceed further down the tunnel and out of the game. The train and loading is completely automated, so there is at least this the player does not have to do manually.

Now the player must reach the control console on the to initiate the launch. This is located on the bottom floor of the building. The player may opt to land on the upper or lower roof to gain access to one of the entrances. By now the building will be littered with saboteurs' traps and more saboteurs can be expected to enter as well. The player must shoot an jump their way across each floor working their way to the control console. After initiating the launch, the player must make it back through the building and additional saboteurs and to the helicopter to begin repairing the most certainly by now damaged bridge in preparation for the next train.

Don't run out of lives or bridge segments. There are 17 segments in the bridge. There are 40 segments available. The bridge starts with 10 segments already placed. There are 5 lives. Oh, and players only have 6 minutes.***
Montezuma's Revenge Parker Brothers (BCI Software)1983Joystick or Keyboard. This game is PC and Apple II compatable. labelimageminimize
Agent USA  Scholastic (Tom Snyder Productions)1984You play Agent USA as he attempts to eradicate the FuzzBomb epidemic. He must grow the only cure for the FuzzBomb, crytals, that replicate only when laid still outdoors. Since they cure the infected (FuzzBodies), they extremely valuable to the average citizen that does not want to be infected. They are likely to be stolen while replicating. If a citizen or Agent USA are holding crystals when touched by a FuzzBody, a crystal is destroyed rather getting the infection. Agent USA can block or push citizens to protect his crystal farm. Additionally, a FuzzBody is cured and becomes a normal citizen if they touch (and break) a crystal. Agent USA will be traveling the US via trains. Fuzzbodies will be spreading the infection in the mean time. And the original FuzzBomb is located in one of the infected cities. The ultimate goal is to find the source, the original FuzzBomb, and drop 100 crystals on it.

This is an edutainment game that introduces train scheduling, ticket buying, geography, time zones, and epidemic spread.
Ankh  Datamost1984 labelimageminimize
Berzap!  Infinity Limited1984 labelimageminimize
L'Odyssie du Robot The Learning Company1984I would not have thought Robot Odyssey is in fact [i]not[/i] the hardest game ever made. This language teaching modification of the game makes you play the game while learning French! ***** I must beat this game now! T* Gu*ul*! Me***! Mo*****! Sa****! En*****! Ve********! Sacrebleu! Pa********! Fo****! Br*le ** l’enfer! Z*t! I'm certain these will the most memorable French the game will teach me to speak. labelminimizeminimize
Robot Odyssey I: Escape from Robotropolis  The Learning Company1984
[48]***Requires 64k RAM, an Apple ][plus machine or better, and 2 blank disk sides.
[b]MSRP[/b]: $49.95

Your trapped in a the robot city, Robotropolis. You must navigate the city by designing and soldering logic circuits into discarded robots. You'll need to find batteries, battery chargers (unless you work extremely efficiently), keys, tokens, sensors, and microchips, among other things. But more important than any items you find in the game is the item resting between your shoulders, your brain. The puzzles in this game have no absolute solution (but hints and parts are sometimes provided for a solution predetermined by the game designers), instead you must design the solutions that you think will work. The unofficial sequel to [game=#20413]Rocky's Boots[/game]. Uses a much more advanced engine to drive very, very complex logic circuitry and animations. Although the puzzles in the game don't come close to needing the complexity this game is capable of delivering. It is educational, just don't tell anyone because this game is way to much fun to spoil.

In the Sewer level, you can find initials of 8 of the authors.

There are 4 sides to this program! Depending on what version you have, all sides of the disks may contain useful chips. Check'em out.

The copy protection of this game will prevent the soldering iron from working (even if legitimately used). The disks are a modified DOS 3.3 format. Enter B942:18 in the Apple's monitor program, copy the disks, then Enter B942:36. Edit the disks and change $000FD2 and $040EEB to 38. Now you have disks suitable to dump for emulation.

"Klaatu Barada Nikto" is a reference to the old black and white classic sci-fi, [i]The Day the Earth Stood Still[/i]
There is a Dalek in The Sewers level.
Agent USA II  Scholastic (Dr Watson)1986 labelminimizeminimize
Major Mayhem  Nibble (Capitol Ideas Software;Microsparc)1987 labelminimizeminimize
Crickety Manor Scholastic1988 labelminimizeminimize
Prince of Persia Brøderbund1989The source code (documented assembly language) was backed up to 3.5 disks and shelved by its creator in 1990. And then misplaced. After the search was long abandoned then unreadable disks were found. After a restoration effort, on April 7, 2012, Jordan Mechner published the source code on github. A vaguely stated licensed for "study, modification, running it, etc." was specified. This statement also emphasised that "Ubisoft alone has the right to make and distribute Prince of Persia games." But this source code actually remains licensed under its original license, which is fully proprietary, which by its by definition not legally available for study, modification, running, etc... So any body who studies, modifies, and/or then runs the code risks being sued, arrested, and/or jailed at some future date. Trademarks still apply (owned by UbiSoft), copyright is still in force, UbiSoft still retains exclusive license. Commercial use has not been expressly granted. In fact, no uses at all have been legally granted. The license fails to mention derivative works so copyright law is in effect for those. This means merely looking at the source code can taint (legally) any thing a developer ever does for the rest of their career and actually creating a derivative work would be illegal.***The original version.

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer expressed interest in creating a movie based on this game. In a 2007 interview he said "I guess it's the 8th or 9th Century, but that could change to. It might change a little bit, we're not sure yet. It'll definitely be a period film; we're not going to make it contemporary." In all fairness however, the reporter had lead him into this error by asking "Do you envision any challenges of trying to film in the mid ages? Is it the mid ages?" and there was also a writer's strike at the time.

Mechner produced the unique animation style by studying reference footage of his brother preforming the character's acrobatics and roto-scoping said footage. The title and story strongly suggest this game takes place in the Achaemenid Empire, also popularly identified as the Persian Empire. This would 550 BC to 330 BC, well within classical antiquity; even likely with a liberal definition of the Persian Empire, (8th century BC to 651 AD). However, the game contains anachronisms such as the word "Sultan" and "Grand Vizier". Not surprising since it was influenced by Jordan Mechner's fascination with [i]A Thousand Nights and a Night[/i] tales which are themselves full of anachronisms. The player has 60 minutes (real-time limit) in which to rescue the princess (did).
SpellWielder Crow Cousins2019 labelminimizeminimize